oh .wow now you are opening a can of worms ...

24 years professional experience in electronics. 23+ years in semiconductors where i started doing maintenance in the waferfab ( about a year) and then 22 years in the research lab making the reference circuit boards , hardware software fpga code , you name it.
For 15 of those 23 years i have been working on DSL technology. I've done 24 layer boards with 5000+ components that are deployed worldwide in mass quantities ( 48 line ADSL DSLAM concentrator boards. if you have a ADSL of VDSL connection at home there is a 50% chance that the other side of the twisted pair is hooked up to either silicon or boards i have designed and laid out. and a 90% chance it is running because it was booted by a bootloader i wrote. I have done chip layout using tools from Cadence, Mentor, Magma, Computervision Calma and Daisy systems. i am familiar with VeriBest tools , Valor , Frontier and some other stuff.
Schematic / PCb cad i have used Smartwork , Hiwire, Orcad , DxDesigner, Expedition , Pcad , Pads , and the whole shebang from Autotrax dos to Altium 15 since a few weeks ago ( protel for windows, protel 95 99 99se dxp dxp2004 summer winter you name it. haven't missed a single version )
The last 8 of those 23 years i was active in the hardddisk world . if you have a harddisk at home made by Western digital or Seagate there is a chip on there i helped design , write code for, tested, tortured and made the reference layout , development system and test systems for.
i have made well over 1000 PCB's in that 23 years ranging from single sided cheap-as-dirt stamped phenolic resin to 24 layer board that are half a meter by 30 centimeter and have 5000+ components. i've done flex, sequential lamination, backdrilling , blind and buried, metalcore , exotic materials, controlled impedance, differential pair length tuning busses , very high speed stuff ( like Pecl transceiver cells that run in the picosecond domain) . flip chip board, boards for naked silicon BGA substrated and ic layout as well. ( take a design , lay out the IO cells on the silicon , figure out a pinout, make the BGA substrate so the end PCB is easily routed towards the memory it needs interconnecting with.
You name it: most likely i've done it. ( the only thing i never did in was those eyelet wirings they used in old vacuum tube radio's. In my world vacuum tubes meet my box of hammers

About 4 months ago i bid the semiconductor world farewell as the ever decreasing budgets made my life hell. No money to buy hi-end equipment, not even money to keep Altium subscription up to date ... so i decided to look elsewhere where such idiocy does not exist. So i am now doing schematic/board design full time for some 'serious shit'.
As hobby i have my own hobby lab, i repair Agilent test equipment and i write books ( got 6 published and working on number 7 which is on PCB design )
www.siliconvalleygarage.comMost guys here know me well. i've been interviewed on the amp hour and set Dave a huge box of Waferfab
porn that make your eyes water ...
I hold 7 US and 2 european patents and have 5 or 6 still running ...
satisfied ? (i'm not trying to be snarky here, but you are apparently not a frequent forum visitor. so i gave you an overview in a nutshell )
now go tell me how to turn autowire off ...