Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

Does anyone know anything about PCB timing or Fabrication?

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Joy at MCS:

I've got a customer of mine who's asked the following question.  This isn't our field so I'd be grateful if anyone could offer any suggestions or info.

 "we need to define the timing characteristics of the existing cards, so that we have a baseline against which the remanufactured card can be compared. The term PCB Characterisation or PCB Timing Characterisation have been used. I am interested in how this is achieved and if you have any useful articles relating to this topic. "

Does anyone have any articles or suggestions?

Thank you for your help.

Have a good day :-)


It seems far too vague. Are they asking about fabrication time-scales or the propagation delay of a signal from one part of the board to another?

This might be usefull?


Most of the other stuff relates to how to design boards not measure the properties of an existing board.



--- Quote from: Joy at MCS on August 12, 2011, 06:09:06 pm ---This isn't our field so I'd be grateful if anyone could offer any suggestions or info.

 "we need to define the timing characteristics of the existing cards, so that we have a baseline against which the remanufactured card can be compared. The term PCB Characterisation or PCB Timing Characterisation have been used. I am interested in how this is achieved and if you have any useful articles relating to this topic. "

--- End quote ---

Too vague to know if it is anyone's field.

You need to ask if they are really talking about PCBs (bare PCBs) or about circuits which happen to be built on PCBs.

For bare PCBs look at the VNA link posted above and maybe controlled impedance testing at http://www.polarinstruments.com/.

For circuits a scope is the most generally useful instrument to measure timings.

Get a copy of Dr. Howard Johnson's book of black magic.



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