Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

easiest way to reproduce pinout of one board on another board (Eagle)


This may be a dumb question, maybe belongs in beginnings.

I would like to make a "socket" to plug an Arduino Pro Mini into my board. I have the Eagle files for the Pro Mini. Assuming I populate it with male headers pointing "down," I want to make a footprint on my board for female headers to accept those pins. How is this best done, other than just placing pins in the right locations?

Edit: whoops. This should have been on the Eagle forum, but I can't move my own post.

The main thing is really just to make sure your pin-spacing is proper, so just using a standard 2.54mm pin spacing will work for you.  If you have an eagle file for the pro-mini you could just copy and paste the footprint, doesn't matter if it's male or female top or bottom, a through hole is the same either way unless your 3D modeling it :).


For something like a pro-mini, with pretty standard spacing, I'd just create a component an pay a bit of attention.  For things with weird spacing, being able to type in numeric coordinates for the destination of a "move" is handy.  For complex weird things, you can start with the existing board and delete all the irrelevant components...

Just a followup -- this worked fine. I made a footprint for the Pro Mini and it went in no problem.


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