Has anyone ever used, or still got a licence for, Electronics Design Studio, a British EDA product released as a successor to Quickroute 4.0/5.0?
I designed a project for a previous employer on it, and I remember it always had one notorious bugbear, and that was corruption of the "EDS Key Disk" used to activate it!
Originally issued on cd with a floppy "key disk", they went over to a serial–key system about 1994 but that wasn't any more reliable either – I made more calls to their help desk over that than any other issue!
They went out of business about 2004/2005 with little warning – for about 4–5 weeks prior to closure, their website said "Our new website is under development" and that was all – I only found out about the firm closing when I got a red–cross box from EDS saying Activation Failure!!
(I remember their help desk refused to help with backing up the hidden "key–file", but however their system worked, it seemed to be effective because EDS never, to the best of my knowledge, got "cracked" in it's lifetime!)
It wasn't cheap software for the size/layer/functional limitations you had to put up with but it one good thing going for it – it could do True Type Fonts on PCB silkscreen that rendered correctly on Gerber's!
Chris Williams