Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

FreeCAD Object / Material Manipulation


I'm not great with CAD. I've done some stuff from scratch, and modified other objects, but this one is being a pain in the ass. I want to change the material for specific parts of this model, but no matter what I've tried, it will only change the entire model.

I tried different modes, including trying to split parts, but nothing works for me. I want to make the metal pieces look like metal, and leave the rest plastic. What am I doing wrong, and what should I be doing?


For anybody else wondering, the issue is that it's an STP file, so one way to do it (very tediously) is to go to Part mode, and then use "set appearance per face." It's a pain in the ass, but it basically works.

ETA: However, despite that making the step file look the way I wanted, it wouldn't work in Kicad for some reason. 🤷


It shows in the footprint properties, and not on the board? If both yes, in 3D view mode under "Appearance"(right side) check the "Models not in POS File" line.

I don't know what you mean by "set appearance per face".

Here is what I did with FreeCAD:

* Opened the STP file.
* Expanded the tree on the Model tab.
* Right click on 'SOLID' and select 'Appearance'.
* Change the color of everything (set the color of the body).
* Right click on 'SOLID' again and select 'Set Colors'.
* Select all of the metal faces (click on first and CTRL-click additional).
* Change the color to a light gray for steel.
* Select and export 'SOLID' as a STP file.
* I eliminated 'COMPOUND' since it is just a few reference lines.
This works fine for use in DipTrace.  I don't use KiCAD.



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