Graphicode Powerstation is a general CAM application capable of editing Gerber data.
It will import and export various industry standard formats (DXF DWG Bitmap and other formats as used by various photo plotters, bare board testers drill and rout machines Excellon2 , Sieb Myer etc).
I use it to process Gerber data , extract toolpath information required to mill the boards and then export CNC files containing drilling, milling and laser soldermask and component legend imaging files.
I also run a flying probe tester to test finished product. The application generates the test files and also acts as a graphical repair station.
This setup allows me to make a double sided brass board within typically five to eight hours from receipt of gerbers and drill file.
A bit longer to apply soldermask and component overlay.
Presently planing to build a Fiber laser stencil cutting set up. I do mill stencils out of 0.2mm double sided FR4 but it is too thick for 0402 work and just usable on 0603 cubic components.
In essence a prototype assembly is possible during a 24 time frame ( depending on overall design complexity and diversity )>