I hope to see more videos regarding CM from Dave / Dave 2.0, especially with the build of the new design.
KiCAD is fiddly to set up the build environment, but once you have it set up, you can make it work, my windows dev machine has a make batch script from the winbuilder package that works just fine, I have to update the version but have scripted that also.
I have been using KiCAD more and more recently and found it very capable.
I am a long time user of Eagle, and use AD for work purposes, so also a long time user of AD!
Eagle works, it is more comparable to Circuit Studio in terms of offline working rather than Circuit Maker in my opinion, but there is no doubt that CM / CS feature set is more complete and favourable than that of Eagle, DipTrace and KiCAD.
As I have said before, even if they pull the plug on Eagle today, it will still be used in 20 years' time, if they pull the plug on CM, then you will be recreating your designs in <insert favourite package here> without even being able to download a free viewing tool to reference from, far too risky in my opinion.
Plus, if I wanted to create a few "non open source" projects, I would be able to with CS / Eagle / DT/ etc but only have a few "sandboxed" projects with CM so I would only be able to have one private and one work in progress project at any one time, hmm.
DipTrace isn't better than Eagle or KiCAD, Eagle isn't better than CM or KiCAD either, they are just different, personal preference!
KiCAD so far has not broken anything with their daily builds, which is a good thing, it is still very much in development, and not really comparable to the likes of the commercial products (CM, Eagle, DT etc), it's a very advanced and decent product for what it costs, but not for your average Joe Public, but any decent engineer should be able to use it.
There are some things which we all think differently about for various reasons, at the end of the day the choice is yours what you use, I always recommend downloading all of them and asking yourself what would happen if the company were to either go bust, or pull the plug, would you be able to use it still, or would you feel comfortable potentially having to redo all of your work in another package and rerun the learning curve. If you are happy with the later and CM works for you then use that, if you want a more risk free solution use AD or CS, or another package with offline support.
Personally, I would chose CS over CM purely for my own paranoia reasons, but wonder if its worth spending the few extra £'s on the full AD over CS. It will be interesting to see what AD16 has to offer, I prefer the ribbon over the old UI aesthetically it looks better in my opinion.