Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

Got fabbed PCBs back, weird bodges

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Hey all,

So I just got a small (40) batch of PCBs back from a factory. They look okay except a few of them have some strange scrapes or smudges at exactly the same spot! Got a macro lens out and tried to get the best shot...

Tell me those don't look like "bandaids" layed out accross my traces then painted over with soldermask. At the perfect angle (that I can't capture with the camera) I can see extra soldermask was painted on, maybe with a brush, on top of those. You can almost see the outline of painted-on mask on the top bodge, along the bottom edge and a bit on the bottom part of the thick trace. Getting the light to reflect just right and I can definitely see an embossed bit of soldermask. Anyway, continuity checks out, but I'm still a bit disappointed. I'm just a hobbyist so I don't know if this is common.

Almost looks like something in the fab machine scraped through some traces at the exact spot for 5 or 6 PCBs.


edit: 40, not 50

I'd reject those without hesitation.

Was the vendor pcbcart?

Yep, ask for replacements.

I am surprised that they attempted repair. PCB repair is usually expensive and you don't do it for bog-standard PCBs which are easily reproduced. It could be they can do PCB repair very cheap (in China?), but well, the quality of the repair, judging from the first picture, isn't great.


--- Quote from: marshallh on January 02, 2014, 04:38:29 pm ---Was the vendor pcbcart?

--- End quote ---

silver circuits

at their defense, this is the second time I've used them, and I had no issues when I did last time a year ago.


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