Author Topic: HELP! I just want a simple shield  (Read 5887 times)

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Offline quantumvoltTopic starter

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HELP! I just want a simple shield
« on: September 25, 2013, 03:34:48 am »
I have tried seeed, futurlec and osh park with this "open source" shield just to get started in the modern world of pcb making (my last pcb was made in my mother's kitchen in the early 1970's).

There are gerber/drill files, and people in the comments say they have succeeded in getting them made. But I got f@#$%ed ..

Either I am an idiot or I got unlucky. So I want to take a new approach. I tried to fiddle with Eagle but I don't have the interest or time.

So if anyone with PayPal can help me establish a simple Arduino shield with all necessary files I will pay you a reasonable but modest fee. My first project is a shield with three 8 pins DIPs (SOIC/TSSOP inside?) and 3 points long changing vertical/horisontal traces. Think a precision op amp input buffer/amplifier to a 24 bit adc fed by a precision reference - supported by some resistors and caps and some breakouts/jumpers - and you have a 5.5 digit DC voltmeter Arduino shield. I will draw something on paper if anyone wants to help me.

Politely - please do not expect to get rich, I am an expert on Manhattan style pcbs .... :-DD

« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 08:48:27 am by quantumvolt »

Offline Harvs

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 03:42:55 am »
I have tried seeed, futurlec and osh park with this "open source" shield just to get started in the modern world of pcb making (my last pcb was made in my mother's kitchen in the early 1970's).

There are gerber/drill files, and people in the comments say they have succeeded in getting them made. But I got f@#$%ed ..

Either I am an idiot or I got unlucky. So I want to take a new approach. I tried to fiddle with Eagle but I don't have the interest or time.

Can you tell us what exactly the manufacturers had a problem with?

I just downloaded the gerbers and had a quick look in altium.  With just a quick scan everything seemed to be in place.  If you can tell us exactly why seed didn't want to make them then we might be able to do something about it easily.  Surely OSH park would have given you some feedback?

Offline quantumvoltTopic starter

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 04:43:17 am »
Thanks for the swift answer.

Well, maybe they didn't have any technical problems, but I was redirected to other departments, persons, ordering pages, shared designs (4 pcbs pr. page, around 100 pages, no search function, takes an hour to look through  :wtf:), technical questions, Chinese holiday and you name it... |O . A wasted week.

I will try again to fill out this page again (I only need two files - correct?):

Anyway - I still want to make custom designs, so I am still hoping somebody will help me modify the design  :D

« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 08:46:57 am by quantumvolt »

Offline quantumvoltTopic starter

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2013, 05:32:33 am »
The ordering page explains:

 3. Gerber file requirements:
   The following layers are needed:

    Top Layer: pcbname.GTL
    Bottom Layer: pcbname.GBL
    Solder Mask Top: pcbname.GTS
    Solder Mask Bottom: pcbname.GBS
    Silk Top: pcbname.GTO
    Silk Bottom: pcbname.GBO
    Drill Drawing: pcbname.TXT
    Board Outline?pcbname.GML/GKO


    The Gerber file must be RS-274x format.

The unzipped file from instructables includes all these files. Good. BUT the ordering page at seed accepts only one file. Not good. And no easy findable web site that explains if I am supposed to send the zip file or convert it to RS-274x

I went to university for almost 10 years only to be f@#$%ed by some morons with a pcb sweat shop  ;D

Offline Codemonkey

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2013, 06:36:58 am »
Just zip the files up and send them.

I didn't go to university for 10 years and I've had no problems ordering pcb's from seeed.

Offline quantumvoltTopic starter

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2013, 07:01:01 am »

I will next time. But my first batch is already accepted. I found a service oriented production house that answered my email in 10 minutes. They said the files are OK. And I said to myself: Why do I have to dig around the web with sewage to my knees to find stuff like:

GBTiler, a Gerber circuit board tiling program allows engineers, electronics hobbyists and other users with Gerber RS274X format files to "tile" or combine separate Gerber files -- circuit boards -- into a single, valid Gerber formatted file.

I have real work to do. So I sent a mail: Thanks, please make a test batch. Here is my credit card info. After 5 minutes he asked: What color bla. bla........ I answered politely: I don't give a :wtf:, and sent him a picture of a nice cute red shield from fleabay. He said: Consider it done.

Lucky me. I can now withdraw from 'makers' who thinks pushing LEDs and servos is science  :o

Thanks again. My offer to an 'EagleWizard' is still standing ...

Offline kizzap

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2013, 11:03:38 am »
If you have trouble with OSHPark, and use twitter, Find Laen and OSHPark on twitter and send them a message. They will get you sorted  :-+

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Offline quantumvoltTopic starter

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2013, 01:43:53 pm »
Thanks a lot to all for answering my rants. I am OK now that I have broken the barrier. Seems that I am not the only newbie that needs some spoon feeding to get started. I just received this mail from one of the 3 main 'maker' pcb makers:


....  ,you just can reupload one gerber file with a zip.
The zip need to contain the following files:

 - Top Layer: pcbname.GTL
 - Bottom Layer: pcbname.GBL
 - Solder Mask Top: pcbname.GTS
 - Solder Mask Bottom: pcbname.GBS
 - Silk Top: pcbname.GTO
 - Silk Bottom: pcbname.GBO
 - Drill Drawing: pcbname.TXT
- Board Outline?pcbname.GML/GKO

Hope this is clear for you.

Thank you.


So - ONE zip file is EIGHT Gerber meta/sub aspect files that can be merged into ONE actual RS-274x format Gerber file that completely instructs the machine(s) that make(s) the pcbs. Or something like that. Nice to know...

I have calmed down, and might play a bit with PCBExpress and Eagle no that the stress factor is gone. I was just in a hurry to get this thing started. Thanks again  :-DMM


Offline ddavidebor

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HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2013, 01:46:28 pm »
Dx,com has them, in better quality than sparkfun
David - Professional Engineer - Medical Devices and Tablet Computers at Smartbox AT
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Offline Jon Chandler

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2013, 02:10:43 pm »
I believe all of the Chinese sites specify the files to send including the format, naming convention and that they should all be zipped into one file.  I've used Seeed, iTead and Elecrow with good results; fortunately they all follow the same layer name convention, so what works for one works for all.

The only difficulty I've ever had is that on one order, there was a question about the board outline – they need it in at least one layer but somehow failed to notice it in both silkscreen layers.

I usually include a readme.txt file in the zipped file stating board size, number of layers, silkscreen on one or both sides, soldermask on one or both sides, which layer(s) contain(s) the board outline, what the layer file names are and comments about anything unusual.

The only problem I've had in 20+ orders is confusion over the outline layer the one time.

Offline M. András

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2013, 07:04:33 pm »
I believe all of the Chinese sites specify the files to send including the format, naming convention and that they should all be zipped into one file.  I've used Seeed, iTead and Elecrow with good results; fortunately they all follow the same layer name convention, so what works for one works for all.

The only difficulty I've ever had is that on one order, there was a question about the board outline – they need it in at least one layer but somehow failed to notice it in both silkscreen layers.

I usually include a readme.txt file in the zipped file stating board size, number of layers, silkscreen on one or both sides, soldermask on one or both sides, which layer(s) contain(s) the board outline, what the layer file names are and comments about anything unusual.

The only problem I've had in 20+ orders is confusion over the outline layer the one time.
hehh they can f*** up the order from the gerbers? :)

Offline Stonent

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2013, 08:23:35 am »
The larger the government, the smaller the citizen.

Offline ddavidebor

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Re: HELP! I just want a simple shield
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2013, 06:35:56 pm »
i've 6-7 of the first one. awesome bang per bucks.
David - Professional Engineer - Medical Devices and Tablet Computers at Smartbox AT
Side businesses: Altium Industry Expert writer, (Scientific Equiment), (Cutlery),

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