Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

How can i improve on my design?

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I had made this design in Pad2Pad.

But since it can only save in its own version of .pcb i just used the same kind of template for the layout.

I plan on making less than 10 of these boards and needed a easy to use program that was free and could save in gerber

Diptrace is free for non-commercial purposes as long as you don't have more than 300 pins (and I don't think you do here.  Dave can probably hook you up with a free license that raises the limit to  500 pins

The free 300pin limited version (and unlimited 30 day trial versions) you can download from their site: http://www.diptrace.com/download.php

KiCad is otherwise a good open source program that lets you do all of the above but it may take you a bit more time to learn to use it, compared to diptrace.


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