Author Topic: Could someone convert an orcad bin pcb file to orcad ascii pcb format please?  (Read 1520 times)

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Offline trevwhiteTopic starter

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I am working on a project and want to base my layout on a reference IDT wireless charging design. They provide Orcad pcb files but its in Orcad bin pcb format. I need to get this to Altium PCB v5 format. To do this I need the orcad pcb format in ASCII format so that I can get it imported into Altium and saved as a PCB V5 format so that I can then load it into Circuit Studio....

Is anyone able to help with converting the file to ascii format please?
I have attached the Orcad bin file. I had to zip it to get it under the 1MB file upload limit. Maybe someone could convert and post in this thread in case someone else needs the file in future?



Offline LTimko

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Here you are!

Offline trevwhiteTopic starter

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Thanks, much appreciated.

Offline Howtosx

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Is a very surprising thing It makes me excited And seek answers every time they see it

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