Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

In search of: CADSTAR for DOS

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Was it the sample PCB? Yeah I think that was a computer motherboard, its been a long time since I have seen that.

How much of an "edit" are you talking about?
Do you have the schematic?
It's from before "parts" were a thing so scm to PCB are unlikely but simple PCB editing should not be a problem.

I'm not having much luck finding V7 for DOS.
I can easily lay my hands on V14 for windows onwards, I have 16, 17 & 18 installed as it is.


--- Quote from: Mattylad on November 10, 2017, 04:11:40 pm ---Was it the sample PCB? Yeah I think that was a computer motherboard, its been a long time since I have seen that.

--- End quote ---

I don't believe so. I think it's probably some project my dad was involved in at the time. I'd have to ask. Also found a layout for a Winchester hard drive controller 'podule' board for the Acorn A3000, and I recall him mentioning in the past that he'd worked on stuff intended for Acorn machines.

It's neat being able to still run the software and look at all this stuff 30 years later. :)

I might try and export some Gerbers, as it appears there is a Gerber processor 'printer' driver that can be loaded. I'm assuming it'll spit out the old RS-274-D format. There's a driver for Excellon drill files too. Although, it'll probably take a lot of trial-and-error, as I'm kind of flying blind, as the only documentation I have is a scan of a photocopy of a couple of pages from the manual showing the various keyboard hotkeys.


--- Quote from: Mattylad on November 10, 2017, 04:11:40 pm ---How much of an "edit" are you talking about?
Do you have the schematic?
It's from before "parts" were a thing so scm to PCB are unlikely but simple PCB editing should not be a problem.

--- End quote ---

It's a little bit TBD-- it's old ~25 year old manufacturing/layout data that I'm trying to resurrect for small volume production. Up to this point on the first board I've been patching up gerber data directly (altering silkscreens, recreating missing/photoplotter specific aperture files, inferring drill rack data, etc.).  For more involved work (say, footprint changes to take something DIP to SOIC or TQFP, etc.) it'd be handy to be able to just hit it directly.

Schematics were done separately in OrCAD and haven't turned up yet, so for now it's just the PCB layout data that's available as the only pre-gerber files. 

I might actually have ver16 somewhere from a project for a client a while back, guess I could give that a try. (I was mostly focused on the DOS stuff just hoping to avoid any translation induced errors since it's not my designs to start with and I might not see a subtle translation problem or if the original versions were a bit naughty how they got things done and it doesn't translate well or something...)

Dig out 16 then if you have it, finding the dongle will be the hardest bit :)

Mind you, depending how big the board is the free express version could help, its limited to 300 pins/50 components but has full facility (apart from the superb external router).
Any problems  and your welcome to send it me and I can import it and advise if any of the translation reports are actual errors.

Things that come to mind are test points and joining different named ground nets together, all able to be sorted out in the data though.

A bit late maybe ...

I just checked and it seems the Windows version does not like the V7 binary files (.cdo), but it does read PCB Initial Data (.cdi) files.

I *know* I have a DOS version on an old harddrive, but that's an IDE thingy which I can't directly access with my current setup. I do have an IDE adapter in my previous PC, so if you still need it, I could try and recover it.
There would be no problem with a dongle, because that's hacked out ;D. Stupid sods used a delay loop in the code which prevented the dongle from being recognised when running my
386 system at 66MHz  |O


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