Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD
KiCad vs. Diptrace vs. TARGET3001! vs. others
Hey all,
I recall a few threads comparing KiCad and Diptrace a while back, but both have evolved pretty substantially so it doesn't really feel like a fair comparison anymore. Can someone out there compare KiCad and Diptrace who has worked with them recently? A comparison with other sub-$500 EDA software would also be very helpful! I remember trying target 3001! a while ago and liking it.
What kind of boards do you want to design with the PCB package? Do the boards need to be assembled professionally by an assembler?
Two and four layer boards. Relatively simple stuff. I might have them assembled at some point but for the moment I just use a hot plate and stencil or even just drag soldering.
Most of the stuff is analog and power electronics. I do a lot of RF... microstrip, DXF import, controlled impedance and all that would be very nice to have but I understand if it's not realistic and I'd have to hack it in these lower end programs.
I'm pretty sure KiCad will only import DXF for outlines, slots, silk, and as a general purpose user placement canvas. While I think you can import it to a copper layer, it won't inherently be part of a net, but it might be possible to wing it by running a trace through it.
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