Following my other post about modelling analogue meters, I have tried to design a circuit to replace the missing one in my spare TF1375.
It's just a fun project to bring the 'empty' but otherwise mint TF1375 back into life, and teach me about LTSPice in the process.
The basic requirement is to take a ca. 10-50µV AC input and drive the existing 50µA FSD analogue meter, plus provide an 'amplified output' which I have arbitrarily decided is 1V AC RMS for FSD. (Perhaps it should be 775mV...)
What I have come up with is attached. I'm not expecting anyone to fix it all for me, but I'd value general views on what I've done:
- 2-stage gain using LT1007s - to ensure that lowest practical input of ca. 10µV (due to meter scale) provides >5mV to...
- LTC1966 RMS to DC converter
- Buffer amp to drive meter
- Buffer amp to produce 'Amp Output' as noted above
- A smattering of Ge diodes which appear to give a 'curve' which almost matches the analogue meter µV scale vs. µA drive: without this mod the output is µA for µV perfect which is not what I need!
I have lots to do, and no doubt I will be guided to other things I've missed. Only my second use of LTSpice. I will add the -10dB attenuator by shunting one of the opamp feedback loops, and the LF cut is easily done I think.
I'm curious as to whether I could improve the bandwidth with a different RMS -DC converter, although right now the cascaded op amps probably limit me to maybe 500kHz. Putting aside practical design issues of course.
However, at the very least, might this work...?!!