Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

LTspice error message


Do you know  how to solve this error message..it appears just after LTspice prematurely terminates running a sim.
I looked on the LT user site but no luck

"Trouble writing 4 more bytes to the disk. Full? Permission problem?"

I have permission and the disk has  9GB left free.

Are you have only one disk? LTSpice can write to different places, and different disks (if it found them)

Hi Thanks, it appears my laptop's disk was nearly full and i hadnt realised...didnt realise that that would also result in   the laptop heating up so much...and the fan going round fast and  loud...guess when the disk is full it has to keep partitioning and it takes energy.


--- Quote from: Faringdon on May 13, 2024, 06:53:43 pm ---guess when the disk is full it has to keep partitioning and it takes energy.

--- End quote ---

What?  No!
LTspice is computationally heavy and any heat generated is from the CPU/GPU not the HDD/SDD.
It can also generate very large temporary files on disk when running simulations - as you experienced.


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