Hi, im working on a project that needs a flip flop, and the only SOP package avaliable at my school lab is the 74HCT74D. The truth table is not that great for my need, as the D pin needs to be changed between H and L to toggle on the CP pin
In multisim i tried to just connect the Qinverse output to the D pin, and this worked... IN MULTISIM. I have a creeping fear that this wont be the case in real life since states change at the same time.
Does anyone have experience with this, either with the chip or feedback in multisim who can give me some tips ? I know feedback isnt that great to use with latches, but the output in the truth table says Qn+1 so im not sure
There will be a button input to this, so it wont be any high frequency stuff
Also, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, i am new to the forum