I encountered error message ⌈Analysis Failed: Iteration limit reached⌋ when simulating a circuit.
The circuit I simulated was originally by James98 in the topic
Transformer Tap Changer - Reducing TPD In Linear Bench Power Supplies on Reply #6. Please see that topic for the context of what I was trying to simulate.
The changes I made to James98's circuits are:
- Changed the opamps to LM358. In LTSpice I included the LM358 subcircuit from Texas Instruments: LMx58_LM2904 PSPICE Model (Rev. A)
- Ommitted the BJTs and relays for simplicity
This was the circuit that I simulated:
(Sorry, I do not understand how to add inline image. The image is below, at the end of the post.)
To mimic the adjustable regulator, change the value of V3.
As I simulated using V3 values from 6V to 18V, the DC operating point analysis run without problem.
But when I simulated with V3 values from 19V and greater, I encountered the error message ⌈Analysis Failed: Iteration limit reached⌋.
Can anyone tell me why?
I have searched the web and found this page:
Overcoming SPICE Convergence Issues. All I understand from that page is that the simulation can be controlled by those Spice directives. So I tried adding this directive:
.option itl1=1e5
I tried to up the V3 to 32V and run the simulation again, and this time it run and never finishes. After around 10 minutes I just give up the simulation and pressed
So what is going on here, and how do I simulate this circuit correctly?
(LTSpice schematic attached)