Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

Pattern for testing etching


Does anyone have some kind of a test board with progressively finer pitch and thinner traces? I'm looking for something like this to test the best the limits on the toner transfer method so it should be something a bit uniformly distributed. I'll eventually make one myself if no one has something.

Edit: found something, but it's not complete: http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/23089/pcb-test-patterns-to-assess-etch-quality

On a recent Amp Hour, Laen of oshpark.com (@laen) talked about layouts he uses to test PCB manufacturing services. I don't know if he's published those layouts, but I bet he'd share them if you ask.

Cool, I'll have to read the transcript.

In the end I just used the link above to print the test pattern. For my printer the lower limit is 0.1 mm traces and 0.2mm spacing.
Detailed here: http://hackcorellation.blogspot.de/2013/08/etching-boards-for-smd-follow-up-on.html


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