Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

PCB Design Optimization Starts in the CAD Library


links to copyrighted material removed. User banned

Does this have to do anything with the genius Tom Hausherr's Blog? I kinda feel like there are some strange similarities. Tom Hausherr's Blog


--- Quote from: NANDBlog on November 01, 2013, 11:02:27 am ---Does this have to do anything with the genius Tom Hausherr's Blog? I kinda feel like there are some strange similarities. Tom Hausherr's Blog

--- End quote ---

It even has Hausherr's "PCB Libraries" company logo on it. And since hqew.net is one of those Chinese IC broker I'd say this is a case for the moderators to decide if they want to keep this advertising.

As an additional data point, Google says the same advertising has been spammed to other sides, e.g. a C++ forum http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/115411/


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