Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

PCB Software choices in 2013

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If you look for something more professional
whit lot of nice feature you may take a look to Zuken Cadstar

it same price range as Altium ,Pads and similar ..

what i really like was it scripting ability everything you may make from GUI
was doable by phyton scripting or OLE  ,and have really nice report scripting
by push of a bouton i program my MyData pick place from my PCB CAD ;-)
all that scripting have permit to me to setup a system that user use a online web store
for select schematic part it what and in a snap i able to generate a custom hand routed pcb
relying on cadstar Re-use block and scripting  ( that "service" will launch in january)

and finally please take time to look this ,i use that kind of trick every week 
Routing with the CADSTAR Place & Route Editor

only bad point is for now it have better support in europe that in america


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