Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD
PCB/EDA software list
I don't know if this is the same as the Autotrax Dex 2020 mentioned earlier in this thread, but both the links to http://www.dex2020.com/
and kov.com have since expired.
It is also quite "affordable" with a current price of USD145 https://dexpcb.com/Purchase/Full-Version But of course whether the price is right depends on the feature set. I'm a happy KiCad user myself. Even donated more to KiCad then what this Dex program costs.
But then again, when reading the comment below, it does not inspire much confidence to invest your time and effort into this program (assuming it's the same).
--- Quote from: CatalinaWOW on January 24, 2016, 07:43:55 pm ---Similar confusion would occur on the library scores. Since DEX imported the Eagle library they both have essentially the same library size, and it is huge. But I would rate the overall quality of the library as low. Many parts are poorly labeled, have low quality circuit symbols, and have footprint errors. The quality of the library for DEX is even lower for two reasons. First the import process had errors. Second, a feature of DEX that I like is 3D board visualization. But this requires 3D models of the parts, and as far as I can tell none of the imported parts have 3D models. A surprisingly small number of the parts submitted by users in DEX have these models either. DEX would also score low in projected stability. It is a one man show, and he has demonstrated the capability to get fed up. No telling when development will stop cold because of anger, illness or old age.
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