Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

PCB/EDA software list

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Hi all,
I was looking for PCB software to test and eventually use. This is the list of suppliers I ended up with. Please add what's missing and correct mistakes.

Free/Open source
CircuitMaker (Altium) - http://www.circuitmaker.com/
DesignSpark (RS comp) - http://www.designspark.com/
EasyEDA - http://easyEDA.com/editor (web based)
FreePCB - http://www.freepcb.com/
Fritzing - http://fritzing.org/
gEDA - http://www.geda-project.org/
KiCAD - http://kicad.org/
Minimal Board Editor - http://www.suigyodo.com/online/e/index.htm (English, Japanese)
Open Circuit Design - http://opencircuitdesign.com/
Orcad DOS (old) - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/OldDosOrcad/
OrCAD Lite (Cadence) - http://www.orcad.com/products/orcad-lite-overview
PCB Elegance - http://www.pcbelegance.com/
PCBWeb Designer - http://www.pcbweb.com/ (Windows only)
Protel (Altium) AutoTrax/EasyTrax (DOS Based) - http://www.altium.com/community/downloads/en/downloads_home.cfm
TCI - http://b.urbani.free.fr/ (French)
ZenitPCB - http://www.zenitpcb.com/Index.html

Limited free version
CADint - http://www.cadint.se/p_free.asp
Cadstar Express (Zuken) - http://www.zuken.com/products/cadstar/downloads/express.aspx
CometCAD - http://www.cometcad.com/
DipTrace - http://www.diptrace.com/
Eagle (Autodesk) - http://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/overview
Layo1 PCB - http://www.baas.nl/layo1pcb/uk/downloads.htm
McCAD - http://www.mccad.com/index.html
OrCad (Cadence) - http://www.orcad.com
Osmond PCB - http://www.osmondpcb.com/index.html (Only PCB)
TopoR - http://eda.eremex.com/
WinQcad - http://www.winqcad.com/

Allegro (Cadence) - http://www.cadence.com/products/pcb/Pages/default.aspx
Altium - http://www.altium.com/
Ariadne - http://www.cad-ul.de/ariadne-eda.html (German)
AutoTRAX DEX 2020 - http://www.dex2020.com, https://kov.com/
Bartels AutoEngineer - http://www.bartels.de/bae/bae_en.htm (English, German)
BoardMaker3 - http://www.tsien.info/index.php#
Board Station (Mentor) - http://www.mentor.com/products/pcb-system-design/design-flows/boardstation/
CADint - http://www.cadint.se/products.asp
Cadstar (Zuken) - http://www.zuken.com/products/cadstar
CIRCAD - http://www.holophase.com/index.html
CircuitCREATOR - http://www.circuitcreator.com/creator/index.htm
Circuit Studio (Altium) - http://www.circuitstudio.com/
Circuit Wizard, PCB wizard - http://www.new-wave-concepts.com/products.html
CometCAD - http://www.cometcad.com/
CSiEDA - http://www.csieda.co.jp/en/csieda/ (Japanese, English)
DipTrace - http://www.diptrace.com/
Douglas CAD/CAM - http://www.douglas.com/software/pro/prolayout.html
Dreamcad - http://www13.ocn.ne.jp/~dreamnet/ (Japanese)
Eagle (Autodesk) - http://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/overview
Easy-PC - http://www.numberone.com/easypc.asp
EDWinXP - http://www.visionics.a.se/index.html
Expedition Enterprise (Mentor) - http://www.mentor.com/products/pcb-system-design/design-flows/expedition-enterprise/
ICADPCB (Fujitsu) - http://www.fujitsu.com/my/services/software/business/icad_thirdpage.html
Layo1 PCB - http://www.baas.nl/layo1pcb/uk/index.html
McCAD - http://www.mccad.com/index.html
OrCAD (Cadence) - http://www.orcad.com/
Osmond PCB - http://www.osmondpcb.com/index.html (Only PCB)
Pads (Mentor) - http://www.mentor.com/products/pcb-system-design/design-flows/pads/
Pantheon PCB software (Intercept) - http://www.intercept.com/products/pantheon-pcb-design
PollEx PCB/Polliwog - http://www.polliwogeda.com/xe_new/
Proteus PCB Design - http://www.labcenter.com/products/pcb_overview.cfm
Pulsonix - http://pulsonix.com/index.asp
Quadcept - https://www.quadcept.com/en/index.html
Rimu Schematics/PCB - http://www.hutson.co.nz/
Scooter PCB - http://www.scooter-pcb.de/scooter-pcb/index.html (German)
Sprint-Layout - http://www.abacom-online.de/uk/html/sprint-layout.html
SuperCAD/SuperPCB - http://www.mentala.com/products.htm
Target 3001 - http://www.ibfriedrich.com/ (English, German, French)
TINA (DesignSoft) - http://www.tina.com
TopoR - http://eda.eremex.com/
Ultiboard (National Instruments) - http://www.ni.com/ultiboard/
Upverter - https://upverter.com/ (free for open source projects)
Vutrax - http://www.vutrax.co.uk/index.htm
WinCircuit - http://alain.michel13.free.fr/Anglais.html
WinQcad - http://www.winqcad.com/
XL designer (Seetrax) - http://www.xldesigner.com/
Zuken - http://www.zuken.com/en

Free SW for PCB order service (no gerber files export)
ECAD Pro - http://www.pcbdesignandfab.com/ (gerber files $25/board)
ExpressPCB - http://www.expresspcb.com/
Pad 2 Pad - http://www.pad2pad.com
PCB123 - http://www.sunstone.com/PCB123-CAD-Software.aspx (gerber files $100/board)
PCB Artist - http://www.4pcb.com/free-pcb-layout-software/
Target 3001 (PCB Pool edition) - http://www.pcb-pool.com/ppuk/service_downloads.html (gerber with proto)

Schematic Capture
sPlan - http://www.abacom-online.de/uk/html/splan.html
TinyCAD - http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/tinycad/index.php?title=TinyCAD
XCircuit - http://opencircuitdesign.com/xcircuit/

Gerber tools
3D Gerber Viewer (online) - http://mayhewlabs.com/3dpcb
Circuit people online Gerber viewer - http://circuitpeople.com/
DFM Now! - http://www.numericalinnovations.com/pages/dfm-now-free-gerber-viewer
GCPrevue (Graphicode) - http://www.graphicode.com/Download_GC-Prevue_and_Free_Trials
GerberLogix - http://www.easylogix.de/products_detail.php?prog_id=1
gerbv - http://gerbv.sourceforge.net/
McCAD - http://www.mccad.com/FREE_GerberViewer.html
Online Gerber-Viewer - http://www.gerber-viewer.com/
Tracespace - http://viewer.tracespace.io/ (online viewer)
ViewMate - http://www.pentalogix.com/viewmate.php (Free & Commercial versions)
Viewplot - http://www.viewplot.com/
ZofzPCB 3D Gerber Viewer - http://www.zofzpcb.com/

PCB panelizing
CAM 350 - http://www.downstreamtech.com/CAM350XL.html
FAB 3000 - http://www.numericalinnovations.com/fab3000.html

Stripboard/Veroboard layout tools
DIY Layout Creator - http://diy-fever.com/software/
LochMaster - http://www.abacom-online.de/uk/html/lochmaster.html
Stripboard Designer - http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Multimedia_and_Graphics/Misc__Graphics_Tools/StripBoard_Designer.html
Stripboard Magic - http://www.marlwifi.org.nz/other/stripboard-magic
Stripes - http://sites.google.com/site/libby8dev/stripes
VeeCAD - http://veecad.com/
VeroCAD - http://xtronic.org/download/verocad-3-veroboard/
VeroDes - http://www.heyrick.co.uk/software/verodes/

Simulation - Free
5Spice - http://www.5spice.com/ (not free for commercial use)
Cider - http://embedded.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/downloads/cider/index.htm
CircuitLab.com - https://www.circuitlab.com/ (Online only)
Circuit Simulator Applet - http://www.falstad.com/circuit/ (iPad/iPhone version available, iCircuit - NOT FREE)
Logisim - http://ozark.hendrix.edu/~burch/logisim/
LTpsiceIV (Linear Technology) - http://www.linear.com/designtools/software/
Mindi (Microchip) - http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en537206
Ngspice - http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/screens.html
Qucs - http://qucs.sourceforge.net/
SimOne - http://eda.eremex.com/ (limited)
Systemvision - https://www.systemvision.com/ (cloud)
TINA-TI (Texas Instruments version) - http://www.ti.com/tool/tina-ti
XSPICE - http://users.ece.gatech.edu/~mrichard/Xspice/

Simulation - Commercial
Advanced Design System, ADS (Keysight) - http://www.keysight.com/en/pc-1297113/advanced-design-system-ads?nid=-34346.0&cc=US&lc=eng
AIM Spice - http://www.aimspice.com/
B2 Spice (Beige Bag) - http://www.beigebag.com/
Circuit Wizard - http://www.new-wave-concepts.com/products.html
EveryCircuit - http://everycircuit.com/ (online or app. limited free usage available)
ICAP/4, etc.. - http://www.intusoft.com/default.htm (Limited Free version available)
Micro Cap - http://www.spectrum-soft.com/index.shtm (Limited Free version available)
NI Multisim (National Instruments) - http://www.ni.com/multisim/
NL5 Circuit Simulator - http://nl5.sidelinesoft.com/
PartSim - http://www.partsim.com/ (online)
Plecs - http://www.plexim.com/
PSpice (Cadence) - http://www.cadence.com/products/orcad/pspice_simulation/pages/default.aspx (Limited Free version available)
SIMetrix - http://www.simetrix.co.uk/ (demo available)
Super Spice (Anasoft) - http://www.anasoft.co.uk/ (Limited Free version available)
TINA - http://www.tina.com/English/tina/start.php
TopSpice - http://penzar.com/topspice/topspice.htm (Limited Free version available)
Via Designer - http://www.viadesigner.com/
WinSpice - http://www.winspice.com/

Openboardview, PCB viewer - http://openboardview.org/
Front panel: Frontdesigner - http://www.abacom-online.de/uk/html/frontdesigner.html
Front panel: Front Panel Express - http://www.frontpanelexpress.com/index.html
CAD: DraftSight - http://www.3ds.com/products/draftsight/overview/
CAD: Free CAD - http://sourceforge.net/projects/free-cad/
VLSI Design: http://www.staticfreesoft.com/index.html

There was a really simple Pspice program I used in college, but I can't remember the name or the website at the moment.  I will look it up to add to your free list.  It was simple and worked well.

I was also told about a program called b2spice, http://www.beigebag.com.  I believe there is a free version of it too.  A friend of mine likes this one, I think the university he went to recommended it.

Addition to "Free SW for PCB order service (no gerber files export)"
PCB-Pool offer a free package "Target 3001" - you get gerbers if you order protos


--- Quote from: ngkee22 on June 07, 2011, 04:29:02 pm ---There was a really simple Pspice program I used in college, but I can't remember the name or the website at the moment. 
--- End quote ---

Maybe PSpice?  ;) Today with Cadence, under their OrCAD brand (once a separate company)


In general there is really no shortage of, typically commercial, SPICE versions.

A quick google reveals


And that is maybe just 1/10th of what is available.

It was named PSpice.  I thought it was now part of Cadence, but I couldn't remember for sure.


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