Does anyone know a means to print a dxf file perfectly to scale, on A4 paper, from a Linux PC.
I do now want to jump through the sort of hoops involved in converting a dxf to an image (thereby losing inbuilt scale information), then putting this in to something like libreoffice (wherein one has to crudely manually scale it from whatever size Libreoffice Writer decides to import it as, and then try to line it up against scale bars on the document in an attempt to restore it to the true size), then printing from libreoffice or exporting as a pdf and printing from the pdf viewer's dialog box (I understand sometimes these, and even the paper printer itself, can sneakily insert unexpected margins on the page which usually affectscale rather than merely chopping off any parts of the design which are unprintably close to the paper edges). I absolutely cannot be fiddling around with manual scale adjustments by mouse cursor, or anything where I have to print a test of the design, measure by ruler/calipers and then use the proportion of inaccuracy to reprint. I want something which is right first time.
It is easy for me to print an stl file at the right size with a 3D printer, does anyone know an easy way to print dxf's up to the size of a sheet of A4 easily on a traditional paper printer. I particularly need to print some drilling and sawing guides to glue on to stock materials before I saw/drill them. I can easily get from the initially designed CAD data to dxf as a common 2d, scale preserving, format, but then don't know how to proceed from there to a printed page in a scale-consistent manner.
Thank you
P.S. Mods, I interpretred this to be the section for general CAD considerations, not just PCB related threads, if not, please move the thread, thanks