Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD
Powerful software for Simulation, Schematics, PCB Trace Routing
--- Quote from: Bloch on July 20, 2013, 02:56:02 pm ---
--- Quote from: AndyC_772 on July 20, 2013, 02:38:37 pm ---Is Altium cheaper than Orcad + PSpice?
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That question is almost so funny that it is not even funny :-//
I have asked for a price here in Denmark. More than one time. They will NOT tell me / sell there product to me |O
It was for my self but they did keep asking that company i did work for. I told them it was for private use then i was told that they did not sell to a private person :palm:
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Most of them don't sell to private individuals because they are afraid their software might be hacked..unless if you represent a company they can sue you... :box:
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