I'm looking for a way to print several gerber layers on the same page.
I want the layers to be seperate, not placed over each other like they would be on the finsihed board. My reason for this is that I want to print to a laser film to use for UV-exposure when making PCBs. The film is a bit expensive so if I'm going to use one sheet for the top copper, one for the bottom copper, one for the top solder mask, one for the bottom soldermask, one for the silk screen etc. it get's expensive.
I have googled this and tried a few programs, but not found a solution yet.
I use KiCad for the PCB layout, so it would be niceto use it's gerber viwer for this, but as far as I can tell it will only let me print one layer on each page (or all on top of each other). I also tried the gerber viewer in Geda, can't find a way to do this in that program either. I'v also downloaded GC-Prevue, but not found a way make it do what I want.
I'm also looking for software that will let me print a negative version of the gerber. (For use with negative photoresist.)
Any suggestions?