Hi all!
I'm currently searching for a software for a more sophisticated way of handling the bill of materials (BOM) lists of our products (pcb assemblies and complete products).
At the moment I handle everything with Openoffice spreadsheets. Well, it works but is somehow not very professional and error prone. Not to mention the versioning/revision/fork problems.
Is there anybody out there that uses affordable or maybe opensource software for this? I know there are full-blown ERP/CRM solutions out there but they somehow seem to me a little overkill and mostly the BOM styles do not take account of some electronics needs (columns for symbol, case, manufacturer, manuf.part...)
Well, i know that it is possible to export BOMs from EDA-Tools like Eagle but i don't want to have the bare electronic parts but also all other things related to product like assembly workload, lables, cases, manuals. Revision handling would also be nice.
Any ideas?
Somebody using xTuple, EleLa, OpenBravo, OpenERP?