Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

Soldering with no solder

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Laser or ultrasonic wire bonding?


--- Quote from: StevenWhitney on October 31, 2013, 01:47:49 am ---What exactly is this sensor?  ???

You could always use a socket.

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NDAs everywhere...  :-X :-X :-X

Thank you everyone!


--- Quote from: Aurora on October 31, 2013, 03:51:28 pm ---That 3M tape is certainly very interesting 'stuff'. I will have to buy some for FPC repair work.

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Yes, I am intrigued by it as well. I didn't know it existed until that post with the ghost... :)

--- Quote from: colotron on October 31, 2013, 11:27:24 am ---Nice!!!, could be used to prototype qfn parts? (pcb with appropriate footprint + tape + component). Does the tape comes off easily? -> to reuse footprint with different components.

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This tape might make it easier to prototype some BGA and DFN packages, as long as the space between pads is larger than the minimum gap listed on the tape datasheet -> 0.4mm

Some 3mm x 3mm or 4mm x 4mm DFN's are 0.50mm pad to pad with a 0.25mm pad width. This leaves 0.25mm gap between the pads, which is too small for this tape. But larger DFNs and BGA will work if they meet the needed specs.

I'll have to spend more time to search around, maybe they make another adhesive tape or a paste that has finer particles and better specs down to 0.25mm or so. 


--- Quote from: codeboy2k on October 31, 2013, 09:17:56 pm ---...
Some 3mm x 3mm or 4mm x 4mm DFN's are 0.50mm pad to pad with a 0.25mm pad width. This leaves 0.25mm gap between the pads, which is too small for this tape. But larger DFNs and BGA will work if they meet the needed specs.

--- End quote ---

Good point, and as mentioned before, adding low reliability and the need to press the component to the tape makes it a poor choice for qfn prototyping. Discarded.

I just noticed this stuff while reading bunniestudios, and sure enough there's an EEVblog thread about it. :)

This 3M tape looks pretty interesting for prototyping and whatnot. Has anyone had a chance to try it out? Any findings?

Pricing currently is pretty steep though.  :( But oh well, that'll come down in the future.


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