Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

Soldering with no solder

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Hi all!!!!

I'm designing a PCB that will be used to test some novel sensor. This sensor comes in a chip that is made of a material that can not be soldered using tin (solder) but it is conductive. We have tested with this Silver Epoxy and it works. However, I was wondering if there is something better? with better electrical characteristics?

Also, for some of the experiments, we don't want to "solder" the xip on the PCB, so i wanted to put some sort of conductive paste to increase conductivity. What do you think about this Conductive Silver Paste? Any recomendation?

Thanks you very much!

Check the datasheet. If there's nothing, contact the manufacturer of the sensor and see what they recommend.

If soldering iron temperature is an issue try to get solder that contains indium. I remember it was used for laser diodes in dvdrom/rw due to problems with typical solder overheating component.

Ask the manufacturer how they recommend the device to be mounted. They designed it, so they know how they expect people to use it.


--- Quote from: IanB on October 30, 2013, 05:01:47 pm ---Ask the manufacturer how they recommend the device to be mounted. They designed it, so they know how they expect people to use it.

--- End quote ---

Already did but, this is new to them also so no help there...


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