Heh, I know that 8 MHz is pretty much "spare change" to the pros, but I still prefer to "do it right", as one of the main project goals is to learn!
I could probably have the ISP over there, but that's only one of three things that needs SPI.
Doing it right means knowing which things are important for a particular design. There is almost never a right or wrong way, just more or less appropriate in a given situation.
For an 8MHz AVR, as long as the crystal leads are short you would have extreme difficulty making a layout that would not work just fine, even if it looked a mess.
The general technique for mostly SMD boards is to do as much as you can on the top layer, and do small jumps via a the bottom layer ground plane where necessary, and when finished space them out or group them together as required to avoid splitting the plane
In other words, make many smaller "cuts" into the plane, and avoid making longer ones?
Yes. It's not so much the effect of the size of the cut as the fact that bigger cuts eventually join up and break the plane completely. So only go there for as long as needed, and also when you've finished, take a fresh look to see if anything can be moved back off that layer, or the length on that layer shortened.
Once you have nearly finished, you will have a bunch of random bottom layer links that make holes in the plane, or maybe even break it apart. You can usually move these around to make sure you have enough plane between them to make it all join up, and sometimes the trick is to move two parallel ones closer to each other so you get 1 slot in the plane instead of two. For example with 10mil line/space design rules, one trace will cut 10(space)+10(track)+10(space)=30mil out of the plane, but two parallel ones will only cut 50mil.
It is generally hard to visualise the effect of a bunch of links until you re-pour the copper fill, at which point it will often be obvious which links could be moved to improve things
How small is "small", though? I do realize that this board will work either way (it works on breadboard with jumper wire, at 8 MHz, and I assume even "bad" PCB layout is superior to that).
No bigger than you need to get where you are going, often even if it means 2 small jumps instead of one long one.
Also remember that you generally have routing space around the edge on both sideswithout worrying about cutting things off.
Hmm, not sure what you mean by that.
I mean don't regard the whole bottom layer as "sacred". You can run noncritical tracks around the edge without issues, and also run long tracks around the perimiter on the top layer without cutting anything off. But best to leave these to later in the layout.
For most run-of-the-mill designs, minimising use of the bottom layer for routing is more about preserving potential routing space for when things get tight than any electrical considerations.
See the attatched GIF for an example of a dense 2-layer layout - this is a 2-layer PCB with a 144 pin FPGA, TSOP flash and a couple of 45 way FFC connectors.
At top left and bottom, long tracks at the edges which would have taken a lot of routing space on top.
At the bottom centre. vertical tracks tightly grouped to minimise the cutout area, but enough gap left at the bottom to the horizontals below to maintain the plane around them.
The plane is actually cut off at bottom left, but strapped across by a wide track and multiple vias on the top layer - there isn't anything critical connected to that part of the plane so the inductance of the straps & vias isn't an issue.
Line cuts in the plane at the left to contain the circulating noise current in a DC-DC converter.
Multiple short wide horizontal straps in the centre to join up a topside power plane under the FPGA which was split by a second power rail. Multiple wide joins minimise inductance of the jpin while keeping a decent width of groundplane