I downloaded the free version. So the real answer is that it was working and has a limited time functionality? You haven't quite answered the question.
The same image can operate in the premium mode and in the free mode:
There are 3 demo designs included.
The program loads one demo design, after the other, by first 3 starts.
I want the user to see the demos in a fully loaded mode, of course. So the program acts in the premium mode, whenever the demo is loaded. This includes the Parametric Modeler and the STEP file export.
This mode override ends, when you load your own design.
In case no valid license key is stored in the program, after the 3 demos are shown, the program randomly shows a nagging info. The popping up nagging message can be disabled by switching off the Parametric Modeler. Go to menu: Components / Model Generator / Extruded (free)
Or, of course, by a license key. There you can have date based, 30-day, free license per email address.