Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

Tired of searching for basic 3D CAD Models?

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Me too!
This was the perfect excuse for me to learn how to do sweeps and lofts in FreeCad.
Some of these models are taken from dimensions in Nichicon and Vishay datasheets.

* * * Update #1 * * *
I've updated the resistor with more realistic color band locations.
The light tan resistors are from the Xicon CF-RC series datasheet.
The dark brown resistors are measured old stock resistors I have on hand.

* * * Update #2 * * *
Merged model updates all into one zip file.

* * * Update #3 * * *
Vertical resistor and diode models added.


  While making these models, I discovered that I didn't know what the color of capacitors means.  I'm asking about the plastic wrapping around the radial capacitors.  I've seen black, blue, silver, etc.  Is there any significance to the color?  Is the color tolerance maybe?

  Does anyone know what the color represents?

You better look at the Kicad libraries. You can find STEP files for a huge number of parts. Likely even more sizes for capacitors and resistors you have drawn.

The color of the capacitor is just what the manufacturer likes to use.


--- Quote from: nctnico on April 15, 2023, 12:55:22 am ---You better look at the Kicad libraries. You can find STEP files for a huge number of parts. Likely even more sizes for capacitors and resistors you have drawn.

The color of the capacitor is just what the manufacturer likes to use.

--- End quote ---

Sorry.  Kicad is a total NOGO!!!
Tried it. Didn't like it. And now they dropped Win 7  support.
Hell, I still run Diptrace on some of my Win XP machines.

I use Diptrace and it also has a large library of 3D Models.  Too many in my opinion.  Can't see the forest for the trees.  The colors and models seem to be a little strange.  Maybe that's just my problem.

Just checked:
Diptrace has over 11,000 models.  My OCD just demands I make custom versions.  :)


--- Quote from: MarkF on April 15, 2023, 01:07:30 am ---
--- Quote from: nctnico on April 15, 2023, 12:55:22 am ---You better look at the Kicad libraries. You can find STEP files for a huge number of parts. Likely even more sizes for capacitors and resistors you have drawn.

The color of the capacitor is just what the manufacturer likes to use.

--- End quote ---

Sorry.  Kicad is a total NOGO!!!

--- End quote ---
I wrote: look at the Kicad libraries not Kicad itself. IMHO it is a good source to find 3D models for common parts. And since the 3D models are standard step files, you can use this with any package that supports step files. This website also has a huge number of 3D models for electronic components: https://www.3dcontentcentral.com. Some manufacturers even use it as their primary way to distribute 3D models for their products.


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