Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD
To contractors/self-employed PCB designers - what CAD program do clients want?
Hello Everyone,
I got permission from my boss to do PCB contract work on the side and from what I can tell from online forums the two most popular programs for contract work are Eagle and Altium. Since I hate Eagle I'm considering upgrading from DipTrace to Altium. From your experience what requirements do clients have on CAD file deliverables?
Don't bother with CAD files. There are too many different programs and versions. Just use what you like most and deliver Gerbers, drill file, X-Y for pick&place, component overlay in PDF and schematics in PDF.
--- Quote from: nctnico on March 14, 2014, 04:54:49 pm ---Don't bother with CAD files. There are too many different programs and versions. Just use what you like most and deliver Gerbers, drill file, X-Y for pick&place, component overlay in PDF and schematics in PDF.
--- End quote ---
That would be ideal but I don't think that is a good way for a company/individual to contract out PCB design work. If they want revisions in the future they'll be stuck trying redesigning from scratch or getting the original designer to do it.
I use what I always use, and provide Gerbers and/or source files depending on the contracted deliverables.
If they want to specify a different package, they will either provide it to me or I can purchase it at their cost.
Everyone wants something different.
whit price of modern Professional CAD find potential customer first then ask what it what
and go whit the majority and long tern job ..
Personally i use Zuken Cadstar ,very powerful and not so common ,so this stop the leak of my library to competitor
if customer not what to be captive it still may import it in Altium
but this also change whit your customer base
some was bigger corporate that request to use it tool ..
some was smaller that not what to handle CAD and Or Manufacturing at all ,so it not have any engendering on site
and let you handle all of this (vast majority of my customer)
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