Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD
What are the contents of a Gerber "Board Outline" File (.gko)?
I'm in my 14th week of developing a "minimalist" PCB Layout Program. The program will only handle the design of a 2-layer board and would be perfect for beginners.
I'm going to use it mostly for designing small development boards that use Atmel AtMega chips.
The layout program is 95% complete and I'm wrapping up the Gerber File and Excellon Drill File Generation.
The only thing missing is the layout of a Gerber Board Outline File (.gko). I'm sure there's not much to it, just a few lines of text.
If someone could rummage through their Gerber Files and please give me a heads up sample of a Standard Gerber RS-274-D Board Outline File (.gko). My board is 1.7 inches wide and 1.3 inches high.
It probably starts and ends in accordance with the below snippet.
...so...what goes in here?...
Thanks much!!!
Here's a small one I made with rounded corners.
Thanks Thor Arne,
That helped a lot.
My Gerber file generation is now complete.
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