Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

What u think of my PCB design? -cnc breaking board-

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I love jumper wire coz I'm lazy to design PCB.  :P But I think it time to move on. To be more cute! :D
So this is my first PCB design with Eagle PCB. Cnc breaking board.

Since this is not so complex circuit so I try to use trace quite big. Except logic from parallels port quite dense so I reduce size.

Comment me anything guy. I wish I have something to be better next version! Thank! :)

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Comment? you may ask the wrong wish! you can be cuter with "jumpers", there are alot better reasons for making pcb other than being cute ;) and posting layers in separate images can be difficult both for you and us. well not so usefull comments.

Yeah. U right! Something wrong with upload pic I'll fix this.


--- Quote ---Comment? you may ask the wrong wish! you can be cuter with "jumpers", there are alot better reasons for making pcb other than being cute
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I just kidding about 'cute' u know.  :) Actually I designed few PCBs some time ago in university even I like it but I'm not usually do that. So now is my personal projects and I'd like it to be…. yes! cute is one thing in mind.  :P The others is to be more neat , reliable , stable than temporary "jumpers" maybe one day who know, I can commercial ;D Anyway I love jumpers coz it good in testing before build PCB-board version.

I really want to know any feed back! Even if I can do little better I feel very good so that I can do better next time!  PCB design is also important factor! My goal is to make it as good as I can. Reliable , stable also look good. Please feel free to comment me anything. What u think of it!   :-DMM

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