It looks like the schematic was drawn with Splan.
That's the drawing package I use daily, all I put a little more time into the schematics so it's clearer for me at least.
But keep in mind, that no linking to a PCB drawing package is possible.
For me, this is no problem at all.
So make your own trade-off between the modern schematic drawing packages of which there are many bad examples on the Internet and neatly drawn schematics which you can make with Splan.
Many users have to use what I consider to be poor schematic drawing programs that come with their PCB package.
Everything has to be done quickly and this often results in schematics that are difficult to understand.
The Splan schematic package allows me (I hope) to create clear schematics without e.g. drawing component numbers or values across the component.
Splan's program allows me to place the component data neatly and if I want to use colors for the components and wiring.
I often draw the wiring where e.g. large currents flow a bit thicker.
Of course, how good the schedule looks is a combination of a number of things, the capabilities of the package, the attention of the draftsman and, for some, time constraints.
This is a piece of a diagram which is not quite finished.
Also visible is the toolbar I created in Splan so I can quickly have the frequently used parts ready.
Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to find a CAD package that allows me to draw neat diagrams to my needs....
Kind regards,