I don't know what chip you would use for your first circuit. The CD4066 will go to 15V, but the HC4066, which could supply the current, only goes to 7V absolute maximum. Actually, you might look at the CPC1017. It's described as a solid state relay, and is a little 4-pin SOP device, about $1 each. You would need three of them. Typical ON resistance is about 7 ohms. And being optocoupled, it would absolutely protect your Arduino. It looks like the CPC1006 would also work.
In the second circuit, it looks like your PNP transistors are upside down.
Either way, as Nusa says, diodes would be needed to prevent, say, the 12V supply from flowing into the output of the 5V transistor or switch gate when it's turned off. Bad things tend to happen when you do that. But maybe not needed with the CPC1017.