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[solved] AVR-GCC generates ASM stuffed with bloatware use of reserved registers

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Using Eclipse with avr-gcc (GCC) 5.4.0 and these compiling parameters (copied from Eclipse project settings):
-Wall -g2 -gdwarf-2 -O0 -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -std=gnu99 -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -mmcu=attiny13 -DF_CPU=9600000UL

I was trying to poke bit 4 in PORTB to 0 then 1 at max possible speed.  No optimization -O0 is intentional.  The MCU is an ATtiny13.  Whatever C syntax I try for flipping the PB4 bit, the compiler generates a lot of extra assembly code at each C line.

What's more intriguing is that this extra ASM instructions are handling some registers that are marked as reserved in the ATtiny13 documentation (for example reserved r24 and r25 - see page 7 of 22 in ). The PORTB is r18.  For example (from the compiled .lss):

--- Code: --- PORTB |= _BV(PB4); // set PB4 LED on
  98: 88 e3        ldi r24, 0x38 ; 56
  9a: 90 e0        ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
  9c: 28 e3        ldi r18, 0x38 ; 56
  9e: 30 e0        ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
  a0: f9 01        movw r30, r18
  a2: 20 81        ld r18, Z
  a4: 20 61        ori r18, 0x10 ; 16
  a6: fc 01        movw r30, r24
  a8: 20 83        st Z, r18
PORTB &= ~_BV(PB4); // PB4 LED off
  aa: 88 e3        ldi r24, 0x38 ; 56
  ac: 90 e0        ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
  ae: 28 e3        ldi r18, 0x38 ; 56
  b0: 30 e0        ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
  b2: f9 01        movw r30, r18
  b4: 20 81        ld r18, Z
  b6: 2f 7e        andi r18, 0xEF ; 239
  b8: fc 01        movw r30, r24
  ba: 20 83        st Z, r18

--- End code ---

No matter what C code I was trying for poking the PB4 bit, the compiler never made use of the CBI/SBI assembler instructions: By looking at the dissambled binary loaded into the MCU, all those reserved registers are indeed loaded with some numbers and handled apparently for no reason.  :-//

The code is a mess, adding it here only to spare the time of unziping the attached project.  The commented out C lines are other tries that also failed to produce the expected ASM instructions CBI/SBI register, bit.

--- Code: ---// #define F_CPU (9600000UL)
// #define __AVR_ATtiny13__ __AVR_ATtiny13__

#include <avr/io.h>
//#include <avr/builtins.h>
#include <avr/iotn13.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
// #include <util/delay.h>

#define DELAY 200U
#define MAXCOUNT 16

static volatile int counter;

void WDT_off(void)
// cli();
/* Clear WDRF in MCUSR */
MCUSR &= ~(1<<WDRF);
/* Write logical one to WDCE and WDE */
/* Keep old prescaler setting to prevent unintentional time-out */
WDTCR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE);
/* Turn off WDT */
WDTCR = 0x00;
// __enable_interrupt();

ISR(WDT_vect) {

//if (ACSR & _BV(ACO))
if (ACSR & (1<<ACO))
PORTB |= _BV(PB4); // set PB4 LED on
PORTB &= ~_BV(PB4); // PB4 LED off
if (counter >= MAXCOUNT)
PORTB ^= _BV(PB4); //toggle PB4
counter = 0;

int main(void)
DDRB |= _BV(PB4); //PB4 as Output

// ACSR – Analog Comparator Control and Status Register (default all 0)
// Bit 7 – ACD: Analog Comparator Disable
// Bit 6 – ACBG: Analog Comparator Bandgap Select
// Bit 5 – ACO: Analog Comparator Output (read only)
// Bit 4 – ACI: Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag
// Bit 3 – ACIE: Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
// Bit 2 – Res: Reserved Bit
// Bits 1, 0 – ACIS1, ACIS0: Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select
// 00 - interrupt on toggle
// 01 - reserved
// 10 - interrupt on falling edge
// 11 - interrupt on raising edge

ACSR |= _BV(ACIE); // enable Analog Comparator interrupts
// disable watchdog timer
// ? clear AC int flag (ACI)
// enable AC interrupts

// enable global interrupts

// forever loop

PORTB |= _BV(PB4); // set PB4 LED on
PORTB &= ~_BV(PB4); // PB4 LED off

PORTB |= _BV(PB4); // set PB4 LED on
PORTB &= ~_BV(PB4); // PB4 LED off

PORTB |= _BV(PB4); // set PB4 LED on
PORTB &= ~_BV(PB4); // PB4 LED off

struct bits {
  uint8_t b0:1;
  uint8_t b1:1;
  uint8_t b2:1;
  uint8_t b3:1;
  uint8_t b4:1;
  uint8_t b5:1;
  uint8_t b6:1;
  uint8_t b7:1;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
#define SBIT(port,pin) ((*(volatile struct bits*)&port).b##pin)
//bit defines
#define WR     SBIT(PORTB,4)
#define WR_DDR SBIT(DDRB,4)
//WR_DDR = 1;
WR = 1;
WR = 0;
//will result in sbi/cbi
WR = 1;
WR = 0;

WR = 1;
WR = 0;

// asm volatile (
// "SBI r18, 4" "\n\t");
// "CBI(PORTB, 4);");


PORTB |= (1 << PB4);     // set pin 4 of Port B high
PORTB &= ~(1 << PB4);    // set pin 4 of Port B low

PORTB |= (1 << PORTB3);  // set pin 4 high again
PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB3);  // set pin 4 high again

PORTB ^= (1 << PB4);  // set pin 4 high again
PORTB ^= (1 << PORTB4);  // set pin 4 high again

bit_is_set(PORTB, 4);
bit_is_clear(PORTB, 4);

bit_is_set(PORTB, 4);
bit_is_clear(PORTB, 4);

bit_is_set(PORTB, 4);
bit_is_clear(PORTB, 4);


--- End code ---

-O0 compiling option was chosen so because I want no C line mangled-out at optimization.  I need later to step through the C code line-by-line, with a hardware debugger.  I was expecting to see something like this in assembler, corresponding to set/reset of PORTB bit4:

--- Code: ---sbi r18, 4
cbi r18, 4

--- End code ---

Any chances to make the compiler produce something like that when poking at port bits?  And why is the compiler using those reserved registers r24 and r25?

You may have to live with disappointment. The peak performance of avr-gcc code generation was somewhere around 3.4.6 – since then it has gotten dispiritingly bad.

Turns out the bloatware instructions happens only when forcing the no optimization flag -O0.  Any other optimization level will generate the expected SBI/CBI assembler instructions for set/clear bit, and also won't make use of the reserved register.

I guess I'll have to give up to the idea of no code optimization.


--- Quote from: jfiresto on July 19, 2024, 07:01:50 pm ---You may have to live with disappointment. The peak performance of avr-gcc code generation was somewhere around 3.4.6 – since then it has gotten dispiritingly bad.

--- End quote ---
Yep. AVR, MSP430 and I believe any other simple core's generated code became much worse from GCC 4 onwards. As GCC focussed more and more on complex cores, it lost the plot for simple cores. I was involved in GCC for the MSP430. After being pretty content working with various revisions of GCC 3, we couldn't find any way to coax better results out of GCC 4 and later.

GCC won't build on modern systems, producing a mass of errors. I wonder how much effort it would take to make it build again? I am not sure if you just need this older GCC, or if older versions of GDB or binutils are also needed for compatibility.

You might want to try -Og

--- Quote ---Optimize debugging experience. -Og should be the optimization level of choice for the standard edit-compile-debug cycle, offering a reasonable level of optimization while maintaining fast compilation and a good debugging experience. It is a better choice than -O0 for producing debuggable code because some compiler passes that collect debug information are disabled at -O0.

Like -O0, -Og completely disables a number of optimization passes so that individual options controlling them have no effect. Otherwise -Og enables all -O1 optimization flags except for those that may interfere with debugging:

-fbranch-count-reg  -fdelayed-branch
-fdse  -fif-conversion  -fif-conversion2
-fmove-loop-invariants  -fmove-loop-stores  -fssa-phiopt
-ftree-bit-ccp  -ftree-dse  -ftree-pta  -ftree-sra
--- End quote ---

Personally, I don't think I have ever run avr-gcc without -Os since size is by far my biggest concern most of the time.


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