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importing arduino "sketch" to Microchip Studio

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We had a work experience student design a project and write the code in Arduino. I now have the unhappy task of trying to carry this project on.

It uses Bluetooth which I understand nothing of as of yet
It uses an RTC that is not completely working yet and again I understand nothing of
I have discovered that there does not seem to be a well defined way to have a program in multiple files in the arduino "IDE". I tried breaking the files up and there are already a few that are all .h files with code in them and this did not work.

So I decided that the next best thing would be to import it all into microchip studio where at least I can read the damn font on a 4k screen.

So I now find that I have errors galore, mostly related to not being able to find things that seem to be defined in a file called string.h, if defined is the right word as I don't read C++ and we are now into the bowls of the arduino code. I have tried including string.h into the files that have errors but this does not work.

Ultimately it would be nice to update this project working in C but how I work around things like Bluetooth and the RTC I do not know. I should almost start from scratch but that will be a big task as I have to reverse engineer it, understand how to rewrite it and then start again.

What are my options for working on arduino code? this all compiles in the arduino "IDE"


"Importing"  anything out from Arduino to other proprietary workspace is **THE WORST**   possible  thing one can do.  Reason being as follow:

- Arduino is currently the "de facto" IDE of choice among almost everybody
- All serious MCUs vendors already committed to that (ST/Espressif/Atmel)
- A **HUGE** code base is already available (although using the C/C++ Arduino paradigm)
- The new IDE (still alpha) uses Eclipse base ideas - very good upgrade although not for now
- Code base on Arduino is vastly available - even my 6y old nephew wants it !!! :-DD

So.. forget getting out of it .. embrace it
install the manufacturer support Board and Libraries ..

You will save *ALOT* of time and effort.

There is no way back from this...
Soon everybody will understand how bad is to depend on "proprietary IDEs"

Bottom line is that "Arduino"  is no longer some sort of board ..
or group of folks disputing the ownership of MCU breadboards..

Arduino became the standard common base workspace developer suite..
An insane library is already available.. and growing

Talks like ArduinoIDE

Well, the simplest workaround would probably be to use whatever editors float your boat to work on the files, but still use the Arduino IDE for compiling and cross loading.

But if you do use the Arduino IDE: File->Preferences allows you to change the interface scale and font size

more 2 cents..

- Search the relevant downloads to install your target MCU tools...
- Install board and libraries for the target.
- Have  a look on  the very handy "arduino-cli" on github.. very good tool
- just in case STM holds support
- same to Espressif
- same to several other goodies impossible to put here

Al stuff is currently based on GCC.. being 32bits older compilers are better..


I imported the project to studio as an arduino project and told it where my arduino IDE is etc.

The main errors are actually in the arduino code so sorry but you can keep you defacto standard somewhere very safe from me. After some keyword searching for one of the defines that had not been made according to the errors reported I found a note in a file stating that this was a known issue and if I came across a board that it did not work with to do a pull request. What is a pull request? sorry, I'm not messing with stuff like this, it saves no time at all. I have spend more time trying to find out what is going on and there seems to be no proper way to use multiple files.


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