Products > Embedded Computing

Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5!

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It's been out of stock for a while now (let me know if you can buy one right now though), everything went very fast due to the massive preordering and the hype around the Pi5. Good for them, but not sure how sustainable the supply will ever be.

So it seems that the camera and screen connectors are a different size on the 5 than they were on the 4.

Anyone know whether converter cables are a thing?


--- Quote from: Microdoser on December 06, 2023, 08:23:07 pm ---So it seems that the camera and screen connectors are a different size on the 5 than they were on the 4.

Anyone know whether converter cables are a thing?

--- End quote ---

yes, I believe they are the same as for the CM4 dev-board and they are different for the cam and display

3 months or so later since I ordered some on Sparkfun ... keep getting messages once/month that some have come in, but not enough. Implication is that I'm still way down on the list to receive some. Apparently, demand now exceeds supply before these beasts even start shipping.

Bummer ...

Raspberry Pi need to decide who their customers are and cater for them. I am just starting to take my baby steps in using a single board computer, and yes I say SBC, any SBC, even though I am practicing with a P400 for simplicity I will not use a single feature that is Pi specific as I know it would be a waste of time.


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