Products > Embedded Computing

Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5!

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--- Quote from: rteodor on January 18, 2024, 09:12:28 am --- I can not see the connection with the RaspberryPi.

--- End quote ---
I can not see the connection with the RaspberryPi and "Embedded" (last model).
SBC embedded to this industrial device is BeagleBone.
Example provided as answer where Linux-SBC and CAN-bus together (question above).


--- Quote from: Postal2 on January 18, 2024, 09:30:54 am ---
--- Quote from: rteodor on January 18, 2024, 09:12:28 am --- I can not see the connection with the RaspberryPi.

--- End quote ---
I can not see the connection with the RaspberryPi and "Embedded" (last model).
SBC embedded to this industrial device is BeagleBone.
Example provided as answer where Linux-SBC and CAN-bus together (question above).

--- End quote ---
As long as there are GPIO pins I2C and SPI, one can claim "embedded". You are partly right: the gap is getting bigger. I prefer to have a RPi1/2/3 for heat control radio music and what not, and a separate Pi5 as an always on desktop replacement and not mess with its pin header. Still, knowing that I can always put a HAT on any of them is just great. It holds value as the Pi5 model is ageing.

rteodor, OK. I hope my info is interesting and useful.

Watercooling for your Pi5!  :-DD

I have no words. "Cluster of RPIs..." Try CUDA with passive GT710 and compare.


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