I'm looking for a single-board computer with a very specific feature:
-A very fast 32 Bit parallel input (40 MHz at least) that can run continuously over hours without any drops, with internal or external clock (alternatively LVDS input). No protocol, ADCs are connected to that
-A way to transmit or store that data, so either USB3 interface or 2.5G Ethernet is needed.
-Should run Linux
What I do not want:
Some restricted proprietary SDK, closed source drivers etc. Preferable all drivers/devicetree are upstream in the kernel.
Any idea?
Best regards
XMOS xCORE MCUs can do most of that in software
Hard real-time operation guaranteed
by design. The IDE
calculates the performance by examining the machine code - none of this "
measure and hope you've hit the worst case" rubbish.
USB interface and/or Ethernet interfaces. It can process 100Mb/s ethernet serial bitstreams in software. Use printf() to send results up the USB to a PC, and scanf() to receive commands. Does not interfere with the hard realtime operation, since that is using different cores (up to 32 per IC, and I believe that can be transparently extended across multiple ICs).
LVDS: use a logic level converter.
Linux: hell no! To get hard realtime guarantees you program the silicon directly (and it is very clean simple programming!).
It has the equivalent of an RTOS cast in silicon. Run Linux on the PC if you want to.
Pedigree: concepts implemented and proven over 40/50 years, and partially adopted by many other hardware and software systems over the decades.
Buy them at DigiKey.