Electronics > FPGA
(book) Pipelined Multi-core MIPS, Implementation and Correctness
* A Pipelined Multi-core MIPS Machine: Hardware Implementation and Correctness Proof (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues) 2014th Edition
by Mikhail Kovalev (Author), Silvia M. Müller (Author), Wolfgang J. Paul (Author)See here, on Amaozn dot com
Not yet bought, it sounds *very* interesting :o :o :o
Bought it! It should be an interesting read and perhaps it might be fun to synthesize on an FPGA.
Thanks for pointing it out!
Quite interested as well. If only formal proof was the currently accepted verification methodology and there were tools, etc. around it, then maybe we would be spending a lot less effort in verification. Very tempted to buy but it's a bit pricey and there is probably still a lot of work required to verify a real design in the way the title suggests
--- Quote from: ZaneKaminski on August 09, 2024, 10:18:46 am ---Quite interested as well. If only formal proof was the currently accepted verification methodology and there were tools, etc. around it, then maybe we would be spending a lot less effort in verification. Very tempted to buy but it's a bit pricey and there is probably still a lot of work required to verify a real design in the way the title suggests
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I have the same doubts: a bit pricey, will it say something really useful, and therefore worth it, or will it just be an educational but sterile reading on a practical level?
Who knows ... :-//
I designed and implemented a toy-ISA, which has nothing interesting except for the C-like compiler I wrote, as it facilitates the machine level.
Now I am adding multi-processing and I need a way to validate things better, or rather, to spend less time than I have used so far.
The implementation I made has been carried forward and tested rigorously for modules, so, specific test-bench-units for each ALU circuit, COP0, COP1, load/store, register file (which has particular properties), etc.
Finally, the system integration test-benches.
I need to spend less effort in verification, so probably a better verification methodology.
--- Quote from: rstofer on August 02, 2024, 01:57:44 pm ---Bought it! It should be an interesting read and perhaps it might be fun to synthesize on an FPGA.
Thanks for pointing it out!
--- End quote ---
any comment about the book? :D
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