Electronics > FPGA

[Lattice Diamond] Which available simulator?

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Hi to all!
I am using Lattice Diamond to write and program MachXo2 and I downloaded IceCube2 as simulator.
Now I doscovered MachXo2 isn't supported by IceCube2 and I suppose available simulators for Diamond aren't for free.
I don't remember which one I tried to download (using university account) but my mail isn't recognized as "university" account.
Are there available simulators I can use with Diamond (or stand-alone) you suggest?

How about icarus verilog ... https://github.com/steveicarus/iverilog

Pretty well known free verilog simulator. I use it for all my Altera/Intel Quartus simulation work.

You did not say what language you are using to design with ... verilog, vhdl, or ?


--- Quote from: greenstrike on April 14, 2023, 06:23:54 pm ---Hi to all!
I am using Lattice Diamond to write and program MachXo2 and I downloaded IceCube2 as simulator.
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Why would you do that.

--- Quote from: greenstrike on April 14, 2023, 06:23:54 pm ---Now I doscovered MachXo2 isn't supported by IceCube2
--- End quote ---

You didn't need to go through all that pain to "discover" that.

--- Quote from: greenstrike on April 14, 2023, 06:23:54 pm --- and I suppose available simulators for Diamond aren't for free.

--- End quote ---

Why would you suppose that?
Diamond comes with ModelSim (it used to come with ActiveHDL, but they switched to ModelSim in later versions of Diamond.)
It's free to use for any device that Diamond itself supports for free, and the MachXO2 certainly is.


--- Quote from: SiliconWizard on April 14, 2023, 07:11:59 pm ---Why would you do that.

--- End quote ---

Because searching on the net for simulator for MachXo I've found IceCube as suggested simulator tool but I discovered too late my FPGA isn't supported.

--- Quote from: SiliconWizard on April 14, 2023, 07:11:59 pm ---Why would you suppose that?

Diamond comes with ModelSim (it used to come with ActiveHDL, but they switched to ModelSim in later versions of Diamond.)
It's free to use for any device that Diamond itself supports for free, and the MachXO2 certainly is.

--- End quote ---

Because on Friday afternoon my brain usually melts down, I couldn't find ModelSim installed on my PC and searching for MachXo simulators I found only licensed simulators...

Now I finally found ModelSim 2020 after re-installing.

No problem. ModelSim is pretty much industry-standard, so learning how to use it will be reusable outside of the Lattice world.

On a side note, Lattice Diamond is looking like it's going to end up as Xilinx ISE. They haven't updated it in over 2 years (IIRC) and all new chips are supported in Lattice Radiant, which seems to be the focus of their efforts now.
So it's likely that for those sticking to the ECP5 and MachXO/2/3 series, the situation is going to be the same as with Xilinx for the 6-series. You'll be stuck with  software that is probably not going to be maintained anymore, just like Xilinx ISE.
That's a bit of speculation though and Lattice may prove me wrong, but I'd say it looks rather likely.


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