Some pics:
Top layer overlaid on in1:
in2 overlaid on bottom:
Bottom view of the board, with in2 visible and VCCDDR net highlighted:
The bottom layer is a VCCDDR plane in the DDR3 area, and ground plane elsewhere. DDR3 traces are routed on 2 layers, top and in2, and all traces go over solid ground or power planes. You can see the many stitching caps that tie the VCCDDR plane to ground.
In the HPS area the board also routes out USB ULPI and SD card interface, but ethernet was not possible. On the FPGA side 40 IOs are brought out in total. You can bring the GMII interface into the FPGA (can be configured in vivado) and attach the ethernet PHY to the FPGA side IOs.
The board was designed for JLC specs, and uses 0.12mm minimum trace width and spacing.