Author Topic: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed  (Read 5366 times)

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Offline rg58Topic starter

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ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« on: October 20, 2024, 09:09:18 am »
For an old ACTEL Activator2s I am looking for the software called "APSW" which runs on Windows 95/98/NT4.0

My lengthy Google search was unsuccessful, unfortunately. None of my other programmers support ACTEL devices, so this is my only option.

It's old, I know!!! But I'd like to re-use it anyway. I am not intending to invest in a newer, more expensive programmer.

The power adapter is also missing, so I will have to figure out the pinout of the 8-pin DIN-plug, which should be doable. Looks like it also needs -5V.

Anyone has this "APSW" software still on their hard drive somewhere and could help me out please?

It looks like this:
« Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 04:04:34 pm by rg58 »

Offline EverydayMuffin

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2024, 09:10:44 pm »
Hey, I think this is what you're looking for:

If not let me know and I'll try dig it out.
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Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2024, 04:42:46 am »
Great! Thanks a lot buddy! That's exactly what I was looking for. Buried in the internet archive. I can even run it on my Windows 7 here, but still need to test it on my big tower with the SCSI-card.

Still have to figure out all the voltages of the 8-pin DIN-connector at the back. It indicates several voltages going into it, possibly even the on/off-switch is routed back to the external PSU. Will get my long 3/32" hex key today (in a nice set). I couldn't take out the PCB as I struggled with the darn US screws! It's only about 0.1-0.2mm why I failed with my other hex bits, and because these were too short!

Once done, I can analyse the PCB and maybe  figure out all the voltages. There should be a negative voltage as well as there is a 7905 inside.

Do you have your PSU at hand?

Offline EverydayMuffin

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2024, 08:26:52 am »
Unfortunately not, maybe try opening a Tech Support case with Microchip!

Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2024, 03:00:42 pm »
That would be an idea, but honestly, I think they wouldn't bother...

I just got my set of hex keys, 2x 15pcs Inch/Metric. Great!

I can now confirm the screw heads are 3/32" inner hex (=2.38mm, key measured 2.5mm). Metric 2.5mm (key measured 2.3mm) was slipping, 3.0mm (key measured 2.8mm) was too big and wouldn't fit in.

Just took out the board. Man, that thing is REALLY old! The EPROMS say 1991, the PCB and several ICs 1992, one IC indicates 1993. Funny that all the hardware developers put their names on the PCB!

Will investigate the power section in the next couple of days. If successful, I will post the result here.

For everyone's entertainment I attached photos of the board and the sockets at the back.

Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2024, 09:42:55 am »
So I did find out (more or less) the 4 supply voltages long time ago - which need to be confirmed by actually controlling the device via software and taking some measurements on the adapter module socket.

But now I have already spent HOURS trying to get the software working! It's neither recognizing the SCSI adapter, nor the ASPI drivers, whatever I tried.

The SCSI adapter is an ADAPTEC AVA-1505 (same as stated in the manual, although without the A at the end) for the ISA bus. The controller chip is an AIC-6360Q.

Software is 'APS R-2000 for Windows' Actel 1989-2000 (Windows APS a.k.a. APSW) from the link above.

Windows 98 SE
-SCSI adapter comes up properly in device manager (no exclamation marks)
-previously used the Windows 98 standard driver (Microsoft)
-now using Adaptec driver "...\IOSUBSYS\SPARROW.MPD" v2.04 from 01-27-1997
-uses IRQ10, confirmed it's exclusive (not sharing)
-uses I/O 0340-035F exclusively
-SCSI adapter uses SCSI ID 7
-SCSI ID is set to 5 on the programmer
-to solve the issue, I manually added "Adaptec EZ-SCSI Standard Edition 5.0" drivers for DOS
device=c:\ez-scsi\aspi2dos.sys /d

During boot (config.sys):
Host Adapter #0 - Host Adapter SCSI ID: 7
Host Adapter #0 - SCSI ID 5 - LUN 0: Device Name not available.
ASPI2DOS.SYS Installation Successful

ASPICHK.EXE (Adaptec ASPI Installation Verification)
"ASPI is properly installed and fully operational"

SHOWSCSI.EXE (Adaptec SCSI Interrogator)
Host 0:
SCSI ID #7 - SCSI Host Adapter: ADAPTEC, SCSI Programming Interface: ASPI For Windows
SCSI ID #5 - Tape <-- my ACTEL ACTIVATOR2 programmer - when I turn it off, it's gone too!!!

*** running 'APSW.EXE' ***

Software hangs at...
"Loading Activator 2 firmware..."

...showing no reaction to clicks, task must be terminated forcefully
OR (rarely)
Software starting properly, showing...

"Loading Activator 2 firmware...
SCSI controller not found"

*** running 'APSW.EXE devactivator2:5' ***

"Loading Activator 2 firmware...
ASPI manager down"

How can that be?
Everything above indicates that the ADAPTEC SCSI adapter is fully operational and ASPI is running properly as well.

Windows 2000 Pro
-SCSI adapter comes up as Adaptec AHA-1505 in device manager (no exclamation marks)
-using Adaptec driver "\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\sparrow.sys" v2.0a
-device manager also shows 8x "SCSI Sequential Device" which had exclamation marks before, so I manually updated the 8 drivers to a standard tape driver and the exclamation marks disappeared (showing all 8 devices are operational)

SHOWSCSI.EXE (Adaptec SCSI Interrogator)
Host 4:
SCSI ID #7 - SCSI Host Adapter: ADAPTEC, SCSI Programming Interface: ASPI For Windows
SCSI ID #5 - Tape <-- my ACTEL ACTIVATOR2 programmer - when I turn it off, it's gone too!!!

ASPICHK.EXE (Adaptec ASPI Installation Verification)
"ASPI is properly installed and fully operational"

*** running 'APSW.EXE' ***

"Loading Activator 2 firmware...
SCSI controller not found"

*** running 'APSW.EXE devactivator2:5' ***

"Loading Activator 2 firmware...
ASPI manager down"

==> So the same behavior as under Windows 98 SE above.

I found ACTINIT.EXE and ran it in a console window. It wouldn't find 'autodll.dll'. Downloading and copying 'autodll.dll' into the program's folder, ACTINIT.EXE crashes under Win98 and Win2000.

What am I doing wrong?
What else could I try?

Does anyone have another APSW version, maybe?

« Last Edit: December 15, 2024, 10:06:35 am by rg58 »

Offline JimboJack

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2024, 02:19:40 am »

they maybe a difference between the two on the SCSI support ,SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 support
go for older software 3.1 what the base cards used.
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Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2024, 05:39:18 pm »
Hi JimboJack,

The AVA-1505 also supports SCSI-1 devices whereas the AVA-1505A only supports SCSI-2, according to this website.

So the one I have is even more capable of handling different SCSI versions.

Thanks for the link, but I don't think this will change anything. Will try anyway and report back.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2024, 05:41:38 pm by rg58 »

Offline JimboJack

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2024, 10:21:07 pm »
not sure you had a typeo but the IRQ displayed to what you said on Win 98 is different, 10<->11 as it mentioend in the guide, check the Plug and Pray drivers they match the card ?

there is even a DOS programmer as well.
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Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2024, 08:08:48 pm »

This wasn't a typo, I also noticed that strange fact. The card is jumpered to IRQ10 and in the BIOS I reserved that IRQ for exclusive use by this card. So as you said, aspi2dos.sys reports the card as having IRQ11 whereas after subsequent boot of Windows 98 SE it comes up as IRQ10. Tried to manually assign IRQ10 and port 340h like so:

device=c:\ez-scsi\aspi2dos.sys /d /l /q10 /p340

which resulted in pausing, possibly for over 10sec, when executing this line with a 'installation failed' notice thereafter. Removing /q10 and IRQ11 gets assigned before Windows starts up. /d prints more details during boot, /l scans the LUNs, /p assigns the I/O port. I also put this line from end to beginning of my config.sys, but no change. (I grew up with DOS!)

The first version of EZ-SCSI aspi2dos.sys I tried was 3.68. Then tried the old one you suggested which is v3.55, but there was no change.

Regarding the DOS-Version of the programmer software that you pointed me to:

1) It included the correct version of 'autodll.dll', so actinit.exe runs, but asking to add its path to the PATH variable, which I already did, but it's *still* asking for it!(?)

2) autoexec.bat to be added:
3) APS1.exe is for Activator1, APS2.exe is for Activator2

Most APS2.exe commands request a 'design name' - which I don't have. Unless these are the *.lib/*.def/*.ddf/*.afm/*.68k files under the windows version's \apsw\data\ folder? I do have an ACTEL FPGA in the socket right now of which I would like to know whether it works or not, if it's empty (blank) or not.

aps2 -actst

> 1 (Analog Board Test)
This should output some test signals, whereby Pin 14 & 16 on the module socket are DGND. But all I see in fact are DC voltages. For example socket pin 27 changes from 5.4 to 9.5Vdc when activating the test, so there is definitely a communication PC<->programmer going on! I just can't get any AC signals out, on none of the socket pins from the table. Now it *might* be that my supply voltages are still wrong/too low. Will have to figure that out.

> 4 (Blank Check)
Wants me to enter several pins???

The questions remains, why the software won't work at all in Windows 98 SE and Windows 2000?

And why I don't get any AC/clock signals out?

Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2024, 05:52:48 am »
Silly me, the blank check is asking for the number of pins of the FPGA, then the package, then the die.

This old DOS version doesn't support my 42MX  :(


Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2024, 08:47:51 pm »
I still didn't get the Windows version working, neither on Windows 98 SE, nor on Windows 2000.

The Windows version is my only option that supports my ACTEL FPGAs (42MX and others) - the old DOS version doesn't support them, the FPGAs are newer.

Yesterday I changed the IRQ back from 10 to 11 (default) on the SCSI card. Changed IRQ to 11 as well in Windows. Played with the device driver in config.sys and BIOS thereafter, no change.

I then downgraded Adaptec ASPI drivers from 4.71.2 to 4.60, checked that all required files are in the correct folders (as per instructions from the internet), checked the correct settings in the registry, corrected 1-2 things. Did this for both Windows versions.

Outcome: Still no change. Still saying "ASPI manager down" or "SCSI controller not found" in both Windows versions/installations on the same machine. Of course the 2 Adaptec tools from above still show the SCSI adapter and the programmer (as a tape drive, correct, according to the manual), and the tool still tells me that ASPI is working properly!

So what's the darn problem now? What else can I try? I'm running out of ideas and options... Crappy piece of software, that is  |O

Offline JimboJack

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2024, 12:33:45 am »
1. Hardware, old dusty Pentium 60 ? lying around ? Pentium 133 ???
2. Find a W98 ME non-patched initial release then patch, can you go Win95 ?
3. Found old software had issues with how much RAM you had installed even on virtual machines simulating old software, 4-8 Mbytes, be standard workstation,  32MBytes was alot back then.


Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2024, 10:33:01 am »
That's something I tried yesterday in fact. Same machine (Pentium II), I unplugged the existing 2 HDDs and plugged in a single 130 MB HDD, cleaned it, freshly installed Windows 95 on it, then some drivers.
=> no change

Just now I cleared out ALL other cards, only ones left are SCSI adapter and graphics card. Also unplugged a CD drive and reduced RAM from 256 MB to 64 MB.
=> no change

Had previously investigated missing file and registry accesses through monitoring tools, even copied some (hit/miss) windows system files into the program folder...
=> no change

I don't have another machine of this age available, otherwise I would try again on a different hardware (doubt it would change anything).

Now I'm stuck with this stubborn software...
« Last Edit: December 29, 2024, 11:19:13 am by rg58 »

Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2024, 11:05:47 am »
The interesting fact is that the original link was...

...which indicates an original install version from the manufacturer.

But in fact it is NOT !

After unpacking the .zip file, you'll find 'Uninst.isu' as the only file in the root folder of the application, basically an uninstall file. So this is just a packed version of an already installed software! System files that went into the /windows/system/ folder and important registry entries MIGHT BE MISSING!

'Uninst.isu' contains the following strings of network shares of the original machine it was once installed on:


The internet archive only has 2 captures of this file, 21/06/2006 and 13/11/2005.

Unfortunately both files are identical! No other version can be found.

So I'm still looking for a proper install version of this software :-(


Offline rg58Topic starter

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2024, 11:36:00 am »
This thread has attracted over 3300 views so far, so there seem to be quite a few people interested in this topic in our EEV community here.

The names of the engineers/developers of this device are:


Anyone here who worked for ACTEL in the 1990s or who knows one of them and could possibly help out please?

You may PM me. Thanks a lot!
« Last Edit: December 30, 2024, 07:44:48 am by rg58 »
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Offline JimboJack

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Re: ACTEL Activator 2S - APSW software needed
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2024, 06:32:42 am »
from microchip website i think that 'folders etc' have been zipped from 'Actel Designer 3.1.1 CD' installation , The dos version mentions this CD were it is installed from.


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