Here is my big question and much bigger problem:
I got from a friend an old tool, some sort of a car diag tool with some measuring fdeature like scope, dmm...
The problem is, when I power on the tool, and try to enter to any function in the menu I get a textbox where I should enter some sort of password or so.
The code should be 10 digit long, which what you can enter by manipulating the four arrow keys.
Left, right, up, down and the Enter key approve the entered code.
So, now, nobody knows anymore what kind of code and what should be entered,
sins it was around 12-15 years ago when the tool was used.
My goal in this project would be to crack somehow the firmware or to figure out the code.
The unit is based on some sort of EP1K30TC144-3N PLD.
I don't have any tool to deal with it, but I also think if I would somehow manage to try to read the firmware that is not possible cos of some security reasons of the PLD...
My other option would be somehow to brute force attack the tool.
There is no restriction as far as I could investigate on how many times I entered the incorrect code.
To make some sort of electronic to enter the codes until it it the correct code and unlock the device.
For these scenario the problem is, how would the brute force electronic device know when the code was cracked?
Or maybe you have some better idea? or suggestion how to solve this, bring back to life this tool and have fun again after so many years?
I would like to hear about that.
Thank you very much for any kind of help.
My best regards.