Ok, lets start.
We will begin doing this 'Extra Dumb' style, so smart experienced ones out there please be patient as we will convert all the 'IF's to case statements and improve sequencing lateron. The goal is first to make Miti write this first interface himself.
Step 1:
Make the Verilog module (MCP3021_reader) inst with inputs and outputs, IE
INPUTS -> clk, reset, conv, SCL_in, SDA_in
Outputs regs -> SCL_oe, SCL_out, SDA_oe, SDA_out, adc_val (10bit) , adc_rdy (strobes high when ready)
(I listed the SCL and SDA as ins and outs, + bidir pin tristate controls out for both since we may allow full I2C bus release.)
Since we need to run the I2C at a lower frequency, we want 2 adjustable parameter for the module:
#2- I2C_SCL_HZ
Start you module, use as an example setup my RS232 transceiver posted here:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/fpga/verilog-rs232-uart-and-rs232-debugger-source-code-and-educational-tutorial/msg2801394/#msg2801394(We will be programming with similar, yet even simpler coding techniques to make this work)
For now,
1. Make a synchronous reset defaults for the output pins.
2. Make a period counter (call it I2C_period[23:0] ) with enough bits to operate as slow as 2 cycles per second if you use you dev board's 25Mhz clock.
3. Make the 'adc_rdy' output reg cycle/invert it's value once every period count.
4. Make a symbol for the 'MCP3021_reader', and wire it into your dev-board's Cyclone so that the reset is button actuated and the adc_rdy will cycle an led.
5. Test and post the .sv file here and we will add the sequencer to I2C communicate with the MCP3021.
When I say test, 2 steps,
A) set the 2 parameters so the led will blink as a speed you can visually see
B) simulate so that you can see the 'adc_rdy' cycle, BUT change the parameters so that this cycling happens around every 4-16 clocks, not once every 25million clock cycles.
make your code similar to :
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
end else begin
end // posedge clk