Electronics > FPGA

Advice for my graduation project


I'm creating an FPGA development board (around a carrier card, hardest parts like DDR and SMPS already done) for my thesis graduation project, I'm under the presumption that using Altium would be better for more complex designs like this. I tried Altium and I'm really not liking it (maybe I'm not used to it yet) so I'm wondering if it's feasible to create a project like that with KiCad

The main issues in KiCad for me are the mechanical tools (board outline etc) and the alignment of components, when I select more than 1 thing and try to align one of them KiCad aligns the part relative to the part I don't want to be aligned. This is a big issue for me when trying to center things or space things apart equally.

Did you try to change the 'magnetic points' in the PCB Editor settings?

Also, you can force any x,y that you want by opening the device priorities and typing them in.

EDIT: In the PCB Editor, when you right-click, the popup menu also has 'positioning tools' that can help you moving any way you want.

In KiCad when you align objects they're aligned to the one selected first.  So explicitly select the one you want to align to first, then add the rest to the selection.


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