Is it only some pin's which can be used as input t IOPLL?
What pin number/name should I look for to have the input for the IOPLL to be happy?
Yes, PLL can be feed from CLK pins only. This is because there is no internal route between PLL input and regular pin.
So, this is impossible to feed PLL with a signal connected to a regular pin. You're needs to use CLK pin only for the clock.
CLK pins provide better jitter performance and you can use PLL for precise phase shifting. If you use regular pin, you cannot do that.
You can find which pins are CLK compatible for your FPGA chip in the pin planner. See menu Assignment=>Pin Planner.
Usually Altera FPGA consists several PLL. In order to reduce clock delay these PLL are physically located at opposite sides of the FPGA chip. And CLK pins are placed near PLL module to reduce clock delay and jitter.
For example, there are 4 PLL at 4 corners on my FPGA chip. And you can see it's CLK pins are placed at opposite sides of the chip. They are physically placed near the PLL which will be used if you route it to feed PLL module.
As you can see, there may be a trouble if you want to feed several CLK pins from opposite chip side to the single PLL. Because one of CLK pin will have too long route path.
Also it means that you need to feed CLK pin directly to the PLL. But you can also use PLL output to feed another PLL.