As Janne said, please try to verify if/how Quartus is able to interact with the programmer.
You can use the full Quartus suite or just the
stand-alone programmer.
Then, did you look in the CD provided with the evaluation board? Maybe they provided some kind of a programming bit file that it's able to exercise the board features (leds, display, motors, sensors). This is a first sanity check that will help you to check the board functionalities.
Most likely, this file could be a Tabular Text File (.ttf), a Raw Binary Format (.rbf), a JAM STAPL file (.jam or .jbc) or a hex file (.hexout).
The next step could be to generate your own configuration file containing the design of your choice. To do this, there is no easy way; you simply need to be familiar with all this FPGA stuff. That comes after some kind of microelectronic design course. You'll need to invest time in this.
As an indication, please search on the CD an example design. If a programming file is provided, you will also have the source files (+ Quartus project or whatever) that could be used to re-generate the programming file. I would do that to familiarize with the Quartus flow as a first step.
Then, the second step is to prepare a template/empty design project that is configured to work with your device and board; i.e. the device pins are correctly assigned to the board schematic signals, there is a top level module with the required I/Os to the board and with some luck, the signals are initialized to safe values. Then, I will use that template to set a signal to "1" or whatever in order to light up a led.